About Us
Whether you are active in service, commercial, industrial, agricultural, construction fields, startup or in the process of establishing a business, Ahead Inspection Lebanon provides you “as partner of TUV Austria and member of AHEAD Group” offer you more than 270 services by more than 2,000 relevant technical experts working over 40 countries with the more added value for a sustainable, flexible and above all workable solutions.
Ahead Inspection Lebanon offers technical services and solutions in the fields of: Testing, Inspection, Conformity, Assessment and Certification in addition to training sessions. With the main consideration that Quality, Safety, Security and Environmental are our major concerns in any case.
The Key Features of our Job
As an independent party, the scope of services offered by Ahead Inspection Lebanon can be identified to assure:
Quality for products
Safety and security for life
Systems integrity for sustainability
That will add efficiency and effectiveness value within industrial, commercial and business communities by the mean of:
Initial and periodic inspection services
Auditing and monitoring services
Over all facilities assessment
Training and educational awareness for the operators, end users and consumers
An outcome certification revalidated under surveillance
Your Industries

Among them … not limited to: